Track workouts this season will be coordinated by AARC's very own speedster, Tom. Tom will provide a suggested workout each week, including a marathon training program for those preparing for a fall marathon.
are held on
See the Fun Run Pictures page for track pictures. |
Thursday October 2, 2008: We'll end our season this week with another Yasso 800's session. Last time we did 6; for those who are ready, we'll jump up to 8 this time. 8 x 800m at the minute:second equivalent of your hour:minute marathon goal pace. e.g 3:30 = 3:30. Rest interval is 400m jog at same time as your 800. Next week, I will be returning to the AARC Thursday night fun run at Temple Ambler. Meet at the gym at 6:15, start at 6:30. See you at the track! |
Thursday September 25, 2008: Hopefully all the PDR runners had a satisfying race and are recovering well. Your track coach is still pretty sore and will be taking it easy. For those who feel capable and/or didn't race Sunday, we'll go down the ladder: 1 x 1200
[400 jog] Sunset tomorrow is 6:52, and will be 6:41 next week, Oct 2. Last year, our last official track workout was on Oct 2. We then squeezed in one "unofficial" workout at GA on Oct 9, and a few of us met at Hatboro-Horsham HS for a couple of weeks under the dim lights. Let's plan on doing Yasso 800's next week for possibly our final meeting. |
What happened to early September? I guess that web editor is dropping the ball! | |
Thursday August 28, 2008: As many of you know, Bart Yasso of Runners World has put forth the idea, based on his own experience, that 10 x 800 repeats can be an uncanny way of "predicting" your marathon time, e.g. 10 x 800 @ 3:30 [400 jog interval] predicts a 3:30 marathon. This idea has been much discussed with many supporters and detractors. My own interpretation of the concept is that it is better to think of Yasso 800's as a good "test" of your marathon goal, rather than a "prediction" of it. That is, if you hope to run a 3:30 marathon, you better be able to run 10 x 800 @ 3:30, but just because you can do the 800's at a certain pace doesn't mean you can run a marathon in that time. So, this week we will do Yasso 800's as a test of our marathon goals - either actual or imagined. Since most of us are at least a month or more from marathon dates, we'll just do 6 repeats this week, then in a few weeks we'll do 8 and eventually 10. 6 x 800 @ your marathon goal time - 400 meter jog interval [same time or less than the 800 time]. |
Thursday August 21, 2008: This week our total fast mileage jumps to 5600 meters or 3.5 miles. 2 x 1200 [2-3 minute rest interval] 4 x 800 [2-3 minute rest interval] The pace is 5K goal pace, rest intervals can be 200 or 400, but should be no more than 3 minutes. |
Thursday August 14, 2008: Last week was simple (well, straightforward, if not simple). This week we'll get complicated. 3 sets: 800 fast, 100 slow, 300 fast, 400 slow. 2 sets: 500 fast, 100 slow, 200 fast, 400 slow. Total fast: 4700 meters. Pace should be a little faster than 5k race pace, keep rest intervals short. |
Thursday August 7, 2008: If you liked those 1000 meter segments last week, you'll love this week's workout: 5 x 1000 with 400 meter recovery laps. Think of it as a 5K with occasional rests. Pace should be your goal pace for a 5K. Recovery laps should be jogs of 3 - 5 minutes. |
Thursday July 31, 2008: 2 x 1000 [400 jog rest interval] 2 x 800 [400 jog rest interval] 2 x 600 [200 walk/jog rest interval] Total fast work = 4800 meters/ 3 miles. Pace should be 5k race pace minus 10-20 sec. Rest intervals should be no longer than the previous fast segment. |
Thursday July 24, 2008: This week we'll
go down the ever popular ladder: 1200 [400 rest], 1000 [200 - 4:00 rest], 800 [200 - 3:00], 600 [200], 400 [200], 200 Pace should be just a little faster than 5k race pace. |
Thursday July 17, 2008: Given the
expected 90+ temperature, I thought short and fast with long recovery intervals
would be best, so: 4 sets of: 200 [walk/jog 200], 200 [walk/jog 400], 600 [walk/jog 400] |
Thursday July 3, 2008: It looks like it
will be pretty hot for those running, so watch the intensity. I suggest: 2 sets of 800 [400], 600 [200], 400 [400]. |
Thursday June 26, 2008: Given the
attendance at last night's Tex Mex 5K, we might have another light turnout this
evening. Congrats to the many good performances at Tex Mex. This week will again total 5000 meters of fast work. 5 sets of: 600 [200], 400 [400] Pace should be "interval pace" - somewhat faster than 5k pace, and recoveries should be 50-90% of the fast time. |
Thursday June 19, 2008: For those not
running the YMCA Summer Solstice 5K on Wednesday, or some other race this week,
the workout will be a simulated 5K. Good luck to those racing! 5 x 1000 with 200 meter jogs rests at your goal pace for 5K. |
Thursday June 12, 2008: This week we'll do
longer repeats at "interval" pace (I'll explain), with shorter recoveries. 2 x 1000 [200 m - 2:30 min] 2 x 800 [200 m - 2:00 min] 2 x 400 [200 m - 1:30 min] 2 x 200 [200 m - 1:00 min] |
Thursday June 5, 2008: Spring Mini Track Meet. The events will be:
Mile, 800, 400, 200. There will be enough recovery time so that those who want to can do all 4 events. Be prepared to fill out a card with predicted times, in case we decide to have more than one heat for each event. Come early to warm up. The mile will start about 6:45, the 800 about 7:15, the 400 about 7:35 and the 200 when everyone's ready! |
Thursday May 29, 2008 Workout: Up and down the ladder: 2 x 200 [200 interval] 2 x 400 [400] 1 x 800 [400] 2 x 400 [400] 2 x 200 [200] Pace should be fast, with pretty full recovery. |
May 21, 2008 Workout: This week we'll
go down the ladder: 1000, 800, 600, 400, 2 x 200 Try to maintain about the same pace at all distances, slightly faster than 5k pace, except faster for the 200's. Rest intervals will be 200 meters/2:00 minutes maximum. Keeping the rest interval short should keep us from speeding up too much as the distances get shorter. |
May 14, 2008 Workout:
This week's focus will be on speed, so
we'll do shorter-distance repeats. 2 sets of: 4 x 300 fast, 100 slow, 100 fast, 300 slow. 5-minute rest between sets. The fast segments should be at your goal pace for a one-mile race. |
May 7, 2008 Workout: For those not recovering from Broad Street or well
recovered: 1200 [400 RI] @ 5k goal pace 2 x 800 [400 RI] @ 5k goal pace 3 x 400 [200 RI] @ 5k goal pace 2 x 200 [200 RI] faster pace, fuller recovery |
April 30, 2008 Workout: 6 x 400 at 5K pace, with 400 recovery | |
April 23, 2008 Workout: Longer repeats
are best with just 11 days to go before BSR: 4 x 1200 at race pace or a little faster, 400 rest interval. |
2004 Track Season | |
2003 Track Season |