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July 4

No track workout tonight.  

Suggested workout:  2 x 800 (400) 4 x 400 (400) 2 x 200 (200).

July 11:  A brave group of hotties shows up for a workout:  Michelle**, Lisa, Anabelle, Tom, Kim, Eric, Ray, Tony, Vince, Gary, Howard**, Steve, Vicki**

1 x 1200, 2 x 800, 3 x 400, 2 x 200

** track workout newbies.

July 18 - Marathon Training Program begins!
Begun in hot, hazy and humid. Ended in a fast approaching thunderstorm!

L-R: Pete J, Tom Y**, John H, Tom G, Ray, Pete P, Patty**, Lisa, Gary, Steve, Tom J
BTC: Dave
 2 x 800, 4 x 400, (break), 4 x 400 

**track workout newbies 

July 25 - "Tiger" Jennings takes a break from the back nine to lead a crowd of regulars and newbies in another tough workout:  1200, 800, 2x600, 3x400.



Aug 1:  100 degrees does not scare this bakers' dozen of tracksters.  Baking, from L to R:  Howard, John, Eric, Lisa, Bob, Elizabeth, Pete, Dave, Dolly, Tom, Patty, Ray, Joe.  


Workout Options: 3x1600 OR 3x800, 4x400, 4x200.

Aug 8

The workout:  4 x 800.  That's it!


Runners enjoy a break from the heat:  Left Photo: Tom, Tom, Chris, Ray, Dick, Gary, Dave, Patty. 

Right Photo:  Lisa with Viper and Adam 

Aug 15: it was a "Fun"nel workout:  1200, 1000, 800, 600, 400, 200

L to R (sort of):  Diane, Lisa-Lisa, Tom, Howard, Patty, Pete, Betsy, Tova, Ray, Dave, Mike, Dick, Anabelle, Vince, Rob.


*Welcome, first-timers, to the track workouts!!


Aug 22:
5 x 1000

Diane, Lakshmi, Mike, Patty, Ray, Dolly, Bob, Joe, Dick, Dave, Pete, Sandor, Eric, Vince, Gary, Howard, Lisa, Betsy, John, Anabelle.

Aug 29

Suggested workout:  3 x 1600

Sept 5

Suggested workout:  2 x 1200, 4 x 800

Sept 12  - AARC's First Annual Track Meet!

Click Here for more track meet photos.

Sept 19 - Recovery Week from RTB, PDR.  

4 x 800, 4 x 400.

L to R:  Howard, Tom, Lakshmi


Sept 26 - That's it for the season, folks!  Thanks, Coach Tom, for your leadership on the track. 

The Workout:  1 mile, 2 mile, 2 x 800. 

Post-Workout Recovery at Bent Elbo:  Left:What great service!  Lisa steps up to take our order. 

Right:  Runners enjoy their pub grub.