Thursday, August 11
Young runner joins AARC in a "warm-up" run

L-R: Brett, Jesse, Zach, Nathan, Ray, Dolly, Ken, Jackie, Tony, Tom, John
Far right, arriving late: Tom (on most pages of the newsletter)

BTC: Karen, Gator

Monday, August 8
The threat of thundershowers proves only a threat as dedicated
runners get in longer runs than anticipated.
L-R: Andy (another "recovery" run), Nathan, Dolly, Dick,
Phils 5K Age Division Winner Janet (7 miles!), Ed, and Sandor.
BTC: Tom
Thursday, August 4
Sometime, warmer Temperatures bring out more runners.
How hot was it?  Put your cursor over the picture to see how it felt...  *

L-R: Brett, Ken, Jack, Andy, Tom, Dick, Tony, Gator, Karen, Ed
BTC: Nathan
                                                                                              * artwork compliments of Brett
Monday, August 1
Runners prepare for August running

L-R: Sandor, Howard, Dick, Dana, Tom, Dolly, Ken, Alan, Ed, Andy
Thursday, July 28
Heat's gone; runners return for pleasant evening runs

L-R: Brett, Tony, Alan, Andy, Dana, Karen, Gator, Nathan. Sandor, Jennifer
BTC: Jim on his bike!
Too late for picture: Dick
Monday, July 25
It's not the heat...

L-R: Brett, Ed, Alan, Roy, Nathan, Dick, Sandor
Front: Andy, Lynne, Dana, Ed
BTC: Tom
Thursday, July 21
Post-Phils survivors show up for another nice evening run

L-R: Nathan, Sandor, Brett, Kim, Tony (nice tattoo, Tony),
Dick, Alan, Andy
Monday, July 4
No Fun Run, but a good showing at the Revolutionary Run 10K




Click on a picture below for a Fun Run Testimonial

























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