Saturday, January 22
Where was everyone on this beautiful pre-blizzard morning?  
It was a little cool starting out, so what?  
L-R: Lynne, Ed (a "braver  man" than some other runners)
Starbucks after a few miles
Thursday, January 20
Sometimes, the colder it gets, the more they turn out...
Two five-mile groups, and a faster seven-mile group enjoy a cool winter run.
Front L-R: Jackie, Tony, Kim, Dolly, & Karen
Back: Andy, Ali, and Christine
Monday, January 17
Cool winter "breeze" brings temperature to new lows;
(Runners staying out of the wind)

L-R: Karen, Christine, Dick
BTC: Nathan
Back at the ranch: Ali
Saturday, January 15
Colder temperatures bring out record crowd to Starbucks

 L-R: Linda, Sandy, Dave, Lynn, Nathan, Joanne, 

Steve, Denise, Mark, Kathy, Roy

BTC:  Karen

Later, at Starbucks in loafers!:  Ed


Thursday, January 13
A balmy January night run (in shorts!)
L-R: Christine, Alan, Alan, Ed, Dolly, John, Ed, Andy, Tony, Karen
BTC: Nathan, Tom
Late for pic: Ali & her van
Monday, January 10
January is beginning to attract crowds
Must be all those New Year's Resolutions

L-R: Roy, Christine, Alan, Karen, Jack, Dick, Ali, Andy, Ed





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