useful links, emails, & information
Pictures from this year |
Aug. 15 | First Practice Night Run @ Starbucks |
Sept. 4 | Final pre-RTB Meeting at The Drafting Room |
Pictures of RTB 2008!!! |
Pictures and Videos from previous years
The Official Reach the Beach Site
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Jalla Atkins | | I have always been
athletic. When I lived in the South I swam on the local swim teams and
when I moved up North I played soccer year round, during junior high and
high school. I also ran track - mostly sprints and trained with the swim
team to keep in shape for soccer. After high school and knee surgery I
got away from sports for eight years! Then I started running with a
friend 2-3 times a week and she and I started competing in triathlons. I
find that running is my weakest leg of the triathlons therefore I need
to get together with a group of avid runners! I mental don't understand
running but I really enjoy being outside and the natural high makes it
worth it. Also my new running partner, Eddie, my 10 month old lab, loves
to run! I recently signed up with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise money and run my first marathon ever, The Walt Disney Word Marathon on January 11, 2009. When Nathan asked me to participate in the RTB relay I couldn't think of a reason not to say yes. I look forward to training with people who enjoy running just for the sake of running - hopefully it is contagious! |
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Lakshmi Bhamidipati | | I have run 2 marathons, Marine Corps and New York, 4 Broad Streets, 3 PDRs, couple of other half-marathons and several fun runs. I grew up in India and have been living in the United States for almost 14 years. My day job is developing computer software. I am married with a 10 year old son. I am looking forward to RTB Relay !! | 9 |
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Lisa Borisoff | | I am so excited to be participating in my 2nd RTB. My first RTB experience was in 2006 and it was one of the best "vacations" I ever had, which included very little sleep (10 hours over 4 days, to be exact)! I so look forward to being in vans with 11 other sweaty people again! It's going to be another fantastic adventure with the 2008 RTB Ambler Stampede. Other races I've completed include the 2006 Philly Marathon (the same year as RTB), many Broad Streets and countless other races (mainly 10ks, 5-milers and 5ks). I ran my first race and first Broad Street in 1995 (when there were less than 3,000 Broad Street runners). I stopped running for a few years in between pregnancies, and started back up again after my last pregnancy, to lose weight, and I continue to run so I feel fit and healthy. I've been an AARC member since 2003 and have been actively involved in the Club ever since. I work in Center City and have three young boys that I adore! | 9 |
Lenore Davies | |
I started running in grad school to
keep my sanity and so far I think it has worked (although who am I to
judge). Throughout my life,
I have participated in a variety of sports, and running was always a
good way to keep in shape. Now, however, I run for running's sake and
really enjoy it. I have run 5 marathons over the past 10 years and
missed qualifying for Boston by 3 minutes. Two years ago I had ACL
surgery and the recovery was difficult; I found it hard to put in the
long miles and intensity necessary for marathon training. Participating
in longer distance trail runs has been a fun way for me to get
back into it. I feel strong
again and look forward to ramping up my mileage. I still want to try to
qualify for Boston and hope this race will kick start my training. |
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John Herman | | I started running about 10 years ago for cross country when I was in high school. I did cross country and track for 4 years in high school. After that I got involved in the Ambler area running club with my dad whose name is also John Herman. I did a lot of 5k's and 10k races. I went down to New Jersey and did the Ocean Drive 10 miler 4 times. I also did the Philadelphia Distance Run twice. I have had the experience with the Ambler Area running club at Reach the Beach in 2004 and 2005. Let me tell you it was an awesome experience and I am really looking forward to this year. Lets go Ambler Stampede!!!! | 8 |
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Kate Johnson | | I started running ten years ago. I was living in New Hampshire at the time, running with the Gate City Striders. I've run the Lake Winnipesaukee Relay five times and each of those years also ran the Bar Harbor Half. With those races both in September, I was never able to commit to RTB. I love hill running, trail races, and adventure racing! A few years ago my company moved me to Philadelphia and last year I met the Ambler Area Running Club folks. Shortly thereafter I had to tend to a serious injury. Now I live right off Kelly drive and am running pain free. I'm thrilled to be returning to NH with my new AARC friends. Oh, and I have three cats, one dog and two nearly grown children! | 10 |
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Jeff Lofton | | I started running
for recreation/exercise in 2004. I was a sprinter in high school
and college, so running for distance was a big change for me, but I knew
I needed some regular cardio exercise. I'm still a recreational
runner, though, with no "formal" races longer than 5K.
I joined AARC in 2007 to have
extra motivation and to start running longer distances. I am
really looking forward to RTB, for the adventure, friendships and to
test out the night-vision goggles I bought from Army surplus!! |
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David Lorenzi | | I've been running for many years, religiously through HS and college, slacked off after college and picked it up again about 10 years ago. Until I ran ran Broad Street for the first time 3 years ago I was mainly a fitness/ 5K type runner. After Broad Street I got bit by the long distance bug ( or maybe a mid life crisis) and have run 2 marathons and several half's. I running the Wineglass marathon in Corning, NY on Oct 5th and hope to qualify for Boston. I'm just joined the club this past Feb, and I mainly do track workouts; although I plan to start doing more fun runs after I complete Wineglass. I was raised in Western MA and came to PA after college. I'm married and have a son in 11th grade at UDHS and a daughter in the 7th grade at Sandy Run MS. | 9 |
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Susan Moore | | 10 | |
Jim O'Brien | | I started running when my Doctor told me I needed to get more exercise to keep my cholesterol level down. My Doctor has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Medicine. I have coached beginning runners at the Abington Y for three years and we have developed a fairly large group of new dedicated runners. I have run just about every type of run that there is, but I have never done a relay. I'm looking forward to every thing, except the hills, the bears, the hills, and the moose. | 9 | |
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Nathan Relles | | I've been active in AARC for about seven or eight years, although it seems more like 20. I've been running for 20-some years, have run two Marathons, four or five relays like RTB, and countless Fun Runs. I'm married and have four married children and five grandchildren, and I grew up in the midwest. I've been recovering from a foot injury for some time. I'm really looking forward to this RTB, and to spending time with the truly convivial group of runners who have joined this year, and hope one of them comes up with a better team name for next year. | |
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Denise Terry | | Always involved in sports and working out, I'm fairly new to running. I started a little over a year ago when I decided to run the Las Vegas Half Marathon. After that race, I was hooked and started running with AARC this past February. I am married and have 2 cats, Newman and Elaine (did I mention I'm a Seinfeld fan?). This will be my first RTB experience and I'm really looking forward to it. And I like to goof off. | 8.75 :) |
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Jack Yang | | I’ve been running regularly
about fifteen years, after growing wary of being out of shape.
I became hooked on racing shortly afterwards but chronic knee
problems and several sub par performances at the New York (my home town)
Marathon forced me to become a short distance specialist. I
am fond of 5Ks and 10Ks if only because I can do little else.
I try to attend as many Fun Runs and track workouts as possible
to maintain my mileage and speed. As a veteran of the 2006 Ambler Stampede, I am eager to reprise a most memorable adventure filled with sights of the rolling terrains of the New Hampshire countryside and sounds of my riotous teammates cheering and urging me to take down each successive road kill. Hopefully, I will have recovered sufficiently from a new injury, plantar fasciitis, which has curtailed my mileage of late, and there is no turning back now! |
Position | Runner | pace | total miles | burden |
1 | Denise | 8:45 | 20.9 | 3 |
2 | Lisa | 9:00 | 20.8 | 6 |
3 | Dave | 9:00 | 20.6 | 6 |
4 | Sue | 10:00 | 14.8 | 3 |
5 | Lenore | 9:00 | 17.1 | 2 |
6 | Jim | 9:00 | 16.7 | 2 |
7 | Herman | 8:00 | 14.1 | 1 |
8 | Lakshmi | 9:00 | 22.5 | 6 |
9 | Jack | 9:00 | 17.4 | 2 |
10 | Jeff | 10:00 | 14.3 | 0 |
11 | Jalla | 10:00 | 15.3 | -1 |
12 | Kate | 10:00 | 15.1 | -2 |
average pace | 9:14 |
Food, water, paper, & misc supplies | Lenore & Herman |
First Aid, night gear, sleeping bags/tents (?) | Jeff |
Lodging | Lakshmi, (John?) |
Van rental, pickup, & return | Lisa |
Driving routes, maps, communications | Dave |
Van decorations | Jalla, Sue (& Kate & Denise?) |
Finances | Jim |
Paperwork, registration, waivers, check-in | Nathan |
Project & track legs, maintain spreadsheets, record times | Jack |
Photographers & Tripod | Denise, Kate |
Van Cleaning after Relay | |