September 27
but it stopped long enough to enjoy a good run.

Laura and her posse of 5 were still working their way to the picture.
BTC: Dan |
September 26
Last Fleet Feet Monday is 10/10. Two weeks away!

Annmarie, Amy, ??, ??, Marion, Jane, Mike, Michael, Matt E., Becky,
Brendan (with Patrick), Matt D., Josette.
BTC: Jeff (Wine Glass bound, 10/2). |
September 24
Welcome to new
runner Trish! And returning runners Denise, John, and John Jr.
(The rest are all the "regulars" except for the young one in the stroller.)

September 23

L-R: Jeff, Matt, Howard, Tom, Sue, Ken, Mike, Diann, Ms Terry Runner, Karen, Sandor,
Sheila, Jason
BTC: Coach Tom |
September 20
Run, Saucony shoe trials, birthday cake for Paul, pizza & beverages!

Congratulations to Rhonda, Brett, Brenda, Kristina and Kelly for winning the
top 5 spots in the
prediction run and coming away with fabulous Saucony prizes.
Thanks to Scott and Saucony Dan for the prizes. Dan is in red at top of
Welcome to Stacie.
Many show off their new Saucony arm warmers and shoe bags...
September 19
Great job at
the half yesterday.
Welcome to AARC, Michael (far right, first row)
September 17
Welcome back,
Andy and Gail!
September 15
A chilly,
windy track workout before the "Half"

"Standing at attention is no longer required at track workouts." -Tom |
September 13
Great Crowd
for Two-Slice Tuesday

Welcome to John & Chris, our new runners! |
September 12
Last few
tune-up runs before the Half

September 10
Hazy day for
training runs and leisurely runs

L-R: James, Michelle, Derek, Alan, Jesse, Ira, Bonnie, Hilary, Hank, Carol,
Eric, Howard, and Rod.
Resting before his run: Brett
Bikers not shown: James and Nathan |
September 8
night for track, but getting dark quickly :(

L-R: Tom, Paul, Kasia, Sheila, Joe, Jane, Mike, Matt, Jin, Jason
Already running: Mike, Tim, Tom
Barely late: Diann
BTC: Jeff |
September 6
solid crew braved the teeming (teaming?) rain to get a run in.
September 5
crowd for a Monday morning run...
followed by a visit to Mahattan Bagel...
Jeff had only half a bagel.

Hatboro Horsham YMCA thanks those two runners promoting the Skeleton Skurry
BTC: Annmarie
September 2
Track Workout - these people are getting faster.

L-R: Brett, Josette, Diann, Kathy, Mike, Karen, Steve, Matt, Paul, Sheila,
Mike, Tom, Howard, Angelo, Jen
front: Jeff, Jim
BTC: Coach Tom |
August 29
nice "We survived Irene" run!!

Sitting L-R: Patrick (stroller), Josette, Jane, Amy, Jeff, Matt
Standing: Brendan, ??, Dick, Angelo, Kate, Jen (with child, congrats), Kelee,
Tina, Fran, Pam, Megan, Mike
BTC: Heather |
August 27
Hurricane? What Hurricane?

L-R; Josette, Bonnie, Carol, Alan, Karen, Lisa, Rod, James, Nathan, Griff,
Jeff, Ira
BTC: Dan |
August 23
Earthquake Day Fun Run.
Many runners braved aftershocks and hit the streets and trails!
August 22
Monday brings out a beautiful crowd

L-R: Anna, Jane, Kelee, Amy, Diana.
Kneeling L-R: Josette, Fran, Dave, Kate, ?, Mike.
Standing L-R: ?, ?, Lisa, Dick, Rosie, Tammy, Gina, ?, ?, ?, Annmarie.
BTC: Jeff
August 20
day for biking or running or both...

L-R: Alan, Josette, Nathan, Tom, James, Lisa, Steven, James, Bob, Howard,
Griff, Steve, & Karen
August 15
huge turnout to support Marion's daughter in upcoming full "iron
Arizona in November

1: Matt, Heather, Amy, Ali, Jeff.
Row 2: Hendersons (Vanessa, Ryan, Marion), Jane, Diana, Fran.
Row 3: ??, "", Jack, Kelee, Lisa, Dave, Mike, Dick, Howard (half).
BTC: Annmarie.
August 8
large Monday crowd anticipates the arrival of Adidas on Wednesday night!

L-R: Marion, Jane, Amy, Patty, Bonnie.
Kneeling L-R: Diana, Jeff.
Standing L-R: Jack, Dick, Dave, Myse, ??, Anne, Fran, ??, ??, Tammy,
BTC: Heather
Saturday August 6
and some biker-runners

L-R: Lisa, Tom, Josette, James, Carol, Dan, Alan, Len, Joe, Eric, Nathan,
Howard, Dan
Front: Hilary, James
BTC: Bob
Tuesday, August 2
- another great bevy of runners for the Tuesday scramble through North Wales
and the beautiful Green Ribbon Trail,,,

Welcome to 6 newbies: Rachael, Sarah, Carlene, Barclay,
Ted, and Alex. All returned safely and happily.
Monday, August 1
Threatening weather turns nice for a
run. Welcome back, Jane!

Kneeling L-R: Ryan, Jeff
Standing L-R: Kelee, Amy, Ali, Lisa, Diana, Jane, Marion
BTC: Annmarie
Saturday, July 30
Run For The Heat Of It

L-R: James, Marjorie, Matt, Eric, Nathan, Sandor, Carol, Lisa, Ali, Susan,
James |
Tuesday, July 26
to the new folks: Trish, Bridget, and Sue Ann

Congratulations to Scott and Laura on their engagement. Note the
ring being displayed in lower left. |
July 25
A perfect night for Jane (heavy rain), but
she's hurt. Get well soon!

L-R: Howard(R), Tina, Diana(B)
Standing L-R: Lisa(B), Kelee(R), Karen, Steve, Becky, Patrick, Dave(R),
Amy(B), Jeff(B).
BTC: Heather(B)
(R) = actually ran in the downpour
(B) = went for beer at Iron Hill
Saturday, July 23
but not too hot for these tough runners….

L-R: James, Sandor, Zach, Matt? Hilary, Howard, Alan, Rod? Tom, Eric |
Thursday, July 21
Tom gives an easy workout in 86 degrees! Good luck at Nationals, Tom

L-R: Angelo, Tom, Ira, Jim, Matt, ??, Jim, Paul, Anna (welcome), Ken,
Howard, Mike, Tom, Jack, Josette.
BTC: Jeff |
Tuesday, July 19
Brett tries to cool off the picture.

Saturday, July 16
Runners and bikers

L-R (Front): Tom, Ali, Nathan, James, Hilary, Lisa
Back: Hank, Zach, Eric, Rita, Bonnie, Carol, Alan, Dan, James, Sandor
Not shown: several early runners (Linda, Lakshmi, Amy, ...)
BTC: Steven |
Thursday, July 14
Heat? What heat?

Gisela (welcome), Josette, Diann, Cathy, Tom, Victoria, Jim, Jane, ??,
Jim, Jack, Ken, Tom, Tom, Ira, Mike, Jason (welcome).
BTC: Jeff
Tuesday, July 12
93 degrees on roads and much cooler on the trails.

Welcome to the following excellent new runners this week:
Bob, Kristy, Andrea, Mindy, Oanh, Kate and Linda
Note: No one was harmed in the making of this photograph –
not even Scott and Brett. |
Monday, July11
Saturday, July 9
crowd for a new running venue - Traveling Fun Run visits Norristown Farm
Special thanks to Mike for all the hard work organizing and providing
post-run refreshments.

L-R (front): Jennifer, Lakshmi, Linda, Wanda, Bill, Jason
Middle: Marge, Ken, Tom, Lisa, Dianne, Howard, James, Eric, Zach, Steve, Len
Back: Dan, James, Sandor, Nathan, Mike, Dan, Alan, Ann, Dave, Tom
Just a couple minutes late for the picture: Kasia
BTC: Dan and Nathan
Tuesday, July 6
day! Good for a trail run.

Dan and Jake to the Tuesday Fun Runs.
They are second and fourth from the right in back row |
Saturday, July 2
Runners put some spark in their runs on 4th
of July weekend

L-R: James, Dan, Len, Marjorie, Hank, Matt, Zach, Neil, Howard, Eric,
Sandra, Dave, Susan, Griff
In front: Sandor, Hilary
BTC: Nathan |
Thursday, June 30
a distance - a new perspective on a track workout!
How many can you identify?
Tuesday, June 28
Great Crowd for our Brooks/North Wales RC Prediction Run and Two Slice

Congrats to: Bob A and Greg who tied for first and took home some Brooks
shoes (3 sec)
Whitney and Kelly who tied for second and won Brooks tech shirts (6 sec)
and Griff and Karen who won Brooks socks (9 sec). |
Tuesday, June
crowd for a pre Tex
Mex 5k
Tuesday run

to our newbies: Ellen,
Nick, Jim and Karen |
Monday, June 20
Congrats to the No Boundaries graduates and their first 5K!
Saturday, June 18

L-R (front): Hilary, Lisa, Bonnie
Back: ??, Lisa, ??, Eric, Jamie, Alan, Bob, Sandor, Matt, Hank, James
BTC: Steven |
Thursday, June 16
great turnout for guest-coach Fred Rosenfeld's (in red shirt at left) clinic
on running form and mechanics.

Fred, Tim, Mike, Tom, Casey (hidden), Jim, Griff, Eric?, Jack, Jesse, Ira,
Pete, Mike, Tom, Joe, Sandor, Griff, Alyssa,Jim,Lakshmi,Sheila,
Jeff, btc: Paul |
Monday, June 13

L-R: Jane, Jeff, Matt.
Standing L-R: Josette, Sandor, Joe, Patty, Fran, ??, Rita, Jeff (welcome),
Brenda, Ali.
BTC: Annmarie |
Saturday, June 11
Stalwart runners who braved a few raindrops

L-R: Larry, Steven, Alan, Dave, Sandy, Hank, Steve, someone behind Steve,
Karen, Sandor,Larry, Zack, Bob, Hilary, Alisha
BTC: Nathan
Thursday, June 9
A stalwart sixteen on a sizzling evening (96 degrees!)

Tim, Ira, Tom, Sheila, Mike, Tom, Howard, Jim, Jesse, Kathy (new)
(front) Jeff, son of Lakshmi, Lakshmi, Jane
btc: Allen |
Tuesday, June 7
50 runners! It was a hot one but a fun one. 
welcome Perry (arms folded center of pic) and Pete (green shirt, second row,
third from right) into the fold. We congratulate Andrea for finishing
in the lead pack in that mad sprint to the finish in the Liberty Bike Race
in Philly this past weekend. She is in the shirt with palm trees near
Dan. Also congrats to Tom for his age group win at Moorestown and Lisa
for running her first ever 10 Miler. Only one participant fell asleep during
the run. Can you guess who?
Monday, June 6
nice crowd in advance of the heat wave!!
A visit from Dan, the Nathan Hydration Man
June 4

(Luke in stroller), Griff, Zach, Carol, Susan, Marjorie, Ann, Howard, Ira, Sandor,
Karen, Alicia
BTC: Steven |
May 31
Another crowd of wonderful people...
Welcome "newbies"George, Terry, Greg, Lynn, and Elisha

Don't forget the the North Penn
Cross Country open run
next Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at North Penn High School! |
Monday, May 30
Large group for Memorial Day morning beats the heat!

L-R: Annmarie and many others
BTC: Jeff
On the course: Ambler runners |