(Stretching & Complaining start 15 minutes
prior to Fun Run)
Temple Ambler
6:30 |
North Wales Running Co. 6:30pm
Ambler Athletic Club 6:30pm
Starbucks in Springhouse 8:30am |
to the Holidays, there will NOT
be a Fun Run on
Thursday, December 24, and Thursday, December 31.
Starting December 17, the Thursday night Fun Run will meet at
Ambler Athletic Club (106 E. Butler Ave, next to Ambler Theater) at the usual
6:15 to stretch, 6:30 to run.
December 31, 2009
AARC runners bid farewell to 2009 with a few loops
around Mondauk in freshly falling snow
(26.2K for Dana and Denise?)

L-R: Alan, Lakshmi, Dave, Lisa, Jack, Denise, Ken, Dana, Joe, and Dahli
Too late for picture: Steven and Brett
BTC: Nathan
Tuesday, December 29
A smaller-than-usual Tuesday night crowd faces colder temps

Jeff, Chris, someone, Brett, Paul, Jeff, Griff, Caroline, Ailsa and Lakshmi
Not in Picture: Scott, Matt's Mom
BTC: Dan
(Caroline shows of her cool icicle)
Monday, December 28
A somewhat chilly night for a fun run, as we prepare for
Marathon on Thursday morning.

Jack, Jeff, Howard, and Dave
Saturday, December 26
It was cold.
How cold was it?
According to Steven, "It was so cold no one wanted to wait for the picture
before getting on the road."

L-R: Steven, 1-L Michele makes a guest appearance, Lakshmi
Left early: Meghan.
BTC - Starbucks guy |
Tuesday, December 22
Small turnout for second day of winter...

Kneeling/Seated on knee: Brett and Jesse.
Standing Front: Jeff, Tristin, Heather, Joanne, Tom, Mark, Bonnie, Bill,
Lisa, Ailsa, Lakshmi and Brenda
Way in Back: Jeff, Somebody, Chris, Erich, Griff, Joe and Matt
Not in Pic: Dolly, Dolly’s dog, Scott and Matt’s mom
BTC: Dan
Monday, December 21
Three hearty souls taking on the black ice in Ambler.

Jack, Jeff and Dave
Photos by Jeff and Dave
Saturday, December 19 Traveling fun run and the day of the blizzard!!!

Pre-run: Howard, Paul, Kenny, Joe, Lakshmi, James BTC: James' dad. Just missed photo (and it was too cold to take another): Chris

Post-run tailgate party

Thursday, December 17
AARC runs in Ambler, then refreshes at The Shanachie
L-R (back): Chris, Jack, Mike, Ken, Paul, Joe, Joe
Front: Tom, Bonnie, Dave
Not in the picture, but running: Bob (AAC)

L-R: Paul, Tom, Michael, Carol, Jack, Bonnie, Ken
BTC: Carol
Tuesday, December 15
OMYGOSH!! 40 Plus – Prediction Runners and 4 Newbies:

Ailsa, Ann Marie, Audrey, Bill, Bill, Bonnie, Brenda, Brett, Caroline, Chris L.(new), Chris P, Dan, Dave A, Denise,
Derek, Eric W., Fran, Griff, Heather, Jamie (new), Jeff, Jesse, Karin, Kate, Kyle, Lakshmi, Lindsey, Lisa, Mark, Matt,
Megan, Michel (a New 1-L), Mike K., Mike O., Mike T., Paul, Roxanne (new), Susan, Tom and Tristin.
Thanks to all who brought Toys for Tots, Canned Food for the Food cupboard
and baked goods and salad to enhance the pizza.
Thanks to John from Brooks for the great aluminum waterbottles and Brooks shoes to our five award winners
Thanks to Scott and Laura for handling the Prediction timing and awards
Thanks to SEPTA for sending an R5 train to split up the pack 1 minute into the run
Good Luck to Lindsey who is moving to New Jersey! Happy Running!

Monday, December 14
Working out the arms before working out the legs...

Jeff, Howard, Jack and Dave.
BTC: A Temple Student
Saturday, December 12
Sunny sunny Saturday! Short runs, long runs, runs of all
Accompanied by the three C's: Camaraderie, Collegiality, and Coffee

L-R: Ali, Denise, Dave, Rita, Sandy, Alan, Steve, Ken, Joe, Bonnie,
Joanne, Tom, James, Dan
BTC: Nathan
Thursday, December 10
Yeah, like anyone had fun in the cold wind. Anyway.

Joe and Dolly ran earlier with their dog, but came to say "hi" and "woof."
The main event featured:
A guy who sounded like Tom Jennings, Dick, Lakshmi and Paul.
Behind the camera: Jeff (who wimped out, so sue me!!)
Tuesday, December 8
A great night for a run!

Monday, December 7
A cool night, beautiful for runners and penguins.

Jack, Jeff, Dick (with tricky fingers) and Dave
Saturday, December 5
Rain? Snow? Where? Not on our Fun
Just another beautiful Saturday morning run.

L-R: Rita & Ali, James, Dave, Ira, Alan, Lisa, Karen, Dan, Denise, Steve,
Sue, Linda
BTC: Nathan
And a few other early and late runners |
Thursday, December 3
A beautiful full moon for a run, and two detours to see Christmas lights.

Tom, Jeff, Jack
Tuesday, December 1

Joe, Lisa, Brenda, Karin, Mark, Jeff, Kyle and Hunter
Ailsa, Tom, Dolly, Bonnie, Griff, Christine, Caroline, Mike, Jackie, Scott,
Eric, Mike, Dereck, Bill, Bill, Heather (new), Paul, Tristin (new), Matt,
and Jesse
Brett and Fran
Dan |
Monday, November 30

Jack, Dolly and Joe BTC: a Temple student |
Saturday, November 28
Runners enjoy waning beautiful Fall days of 2009.
Gathering at Starbucks afterwards a little crowded,
but coffee and discussion make it better.

L-R: Karen, Dave, Joanne, Steve, Lakshmi, Alan, Lisa, James
Later and earlier: Sandy, Dave, Ali, Hank, Rita, Kathy, Denise,... |
Tuesday, November 24
Over-dressed runners enjoy a surprisingly warm evening.

Jeff, Bill, Karin, Lisa, Brenda, Brett and Dave
Back: Paul, Joe, Dean, Karen, Jackie (new),
Lindsey, Chris, Ailsa, Eric, Jim, Ann Marie, Griff, Jeff, Bill, Caroline,
Matt (new), Bonnie, Christine, Tom and Lakshmi
Scott |
Monday, November 23
According to the runners, "... the night was not so
miserable as we thought it might be."

Jeff, Dave and Jack |
Saturday, November 21
What could be better than running in the sun???
... and coffee after the run!

L-R: Orlando (early departure), Debbie, Ira, Carol, Karen, Steve, Steven,
Dan, Ken, Nathan, James
BTC: Nathan & Orlando |
Thursday, November 19
What could be better than running in the rain?!?

Dave, Howard and Jeff |
Tuesday, November 17 Great
Two Slice Tuesday Crowd!

Sitting: Lisa, Karin and
Dave Standing L to R: Ann Marie, Scott (way in the back), Jack, Brenda,
Lakshmi, Bill, Ailsa, Bill, Susan, Bonnie, Ken, Heather, Mike, Hunter (new),
Lindsey, Fran, Jeff, Mark, Eric, Jeff, Griff, Derek and Paul. Not in Pic:
Brett BTC: Dan
Monday, November 16

Jeff, Dick, Carol and Dave BTC: A Temple Student |
Saturday, November 14
Sunny days are here again! Runners take advantage with short &
long runs

L-R: Carol, Lakshmi, Orlando, Griff, Alan, Marni, Nathan,
BTC: Carol, Nathan
And after the run... a meeting of the Social Committee:

L-R (clockwise): Joanne, Bonnie, Ali, Richard, Carol, Diann, Amy
(In background, not on the committee, enjoying coffee: Sandy, Dave, & Griff) |
Thursday, November 12

Staggared start.... First it was Jeff and Howard, then Paul arrived, and
then the group encountered Jack in route. BTC: Jeff and Howard and
a Temple Student and...... |
Tuesday, November 10
Huge Crowd on a great
night for a run as we welcome Dee, Fran, Mike, Brenda and Eric!!

Front: Dave, Karen, Karin, Jeff, Fran (new), and Lisa
Next Row: Bill, Emanuel, Paul, Ken, Ailsa (Harrisburg
Marathon women’s Masters winner), Caroline, Brenda (new), Susan, Dee (new),
Christine and Ann Marie
Row: Eric (new), Griff, Duane, Jesse, Jon, Duane, Kyle, Mike
(new), Troy,
Joe, Dolly, Scott, and Brett
Monday, November 9

Dolly and Joe finishing their run before heading off to buy wine for our
drunk-fest on Wednesday,
and Dave and Jack on their way out for an evening
run. BTC: Jeff |
Saturday, November 7
All kinds of distances, lots
of paces... it's only a little cold the first hundred yards.

L-R (front): Ali, Joanne, Sandy
Back: Steven, Alan, David, Karen, James, Nathan, Ken, Hank, Rita, Linda
BTC: Steve (L) |
Thursday, November 5 Dark
and cold weather don't stop AARC runners!

Howard, Dick, Jack, Dave and Jeff BTC: Tom |
Tuesday, November 3
Lakshmi won our great
prediction run. Four others won prizes and peer recognition as well.
Everyone had the opportunity to take a new pair of Saucony’s for a ride
and keep their flashing safety lights. Pizza and beverages followed.

Front: Jim, Kate,
Terry (new), Jeff, Brett and Mark Back: Dave, Chris, Heather, Jim
H., Jesse, Dean, Jeff, Derek, Lindsay, Griff, Dan (from Saucony), Ailsa,
Lisa, Lakshmi, Megan, Ken (new), Tom and Ali BTC: Dan, Karin and
Congratulations to Mark,
Karin and Dean for their outstanding performances at the NYC Marathon and
Brett for his huge 5k PR as well as Derek taking another 5k second place.
Saturday, October 31

L-R: Lakshmi, Alan, Dan, Steve, Karen, Joanne
BTC: Steven (W) |