Post-Fun Run Happy Hour 12-16-04:  The Return of the Zub

for pictures of the last time the Zub made an appearance at Happy Hour, click here.







Andy instructs Nigel on the importance of adequate hydration.

Jim assures Pookles that she does not have to wear the Zub in public.

Nathan attempts to generate enthusiasm regarding the functionality and fashionality (?) of the Zub.  Sandor is not buying it...








But Joanne is!  Nathan is clearly pleased.

Alan and Jim discuss:  If a Christmas tree falls in a living room and nobody hears it, does it still leave needles everywhere?

Happy Holidays to all!

An AARC Spin-off:  The Messed-Up Knee Support Group.  (Just wondering--is it a Twelve Step program, or is that too far?)